News from the Dierssen Lab

January 2024. New Satellite Will Help Researchers See the Oceans and Atmosphere as Never Before. Satellite launch, anticipated for Feb. 6, offers researchers ‘a completely new way’ of looking at the ocean.

October 2023. New article in UConn Today about the Marine Microplastics Art Exhibit by Oskar Landi. Art Meets Science in ‘Floating Points’ Exhibition at AVS Gallery at Avery Point. UConn Today.

Aldrich. A. 2021. Science and Art Combine on Microplastics Research Effort. UConn Today.

Dierssen, H.M. 2021. Sensing a More Colorful Ocean with NASA’s PACE Mission. Sea Technology. March. 62(3): 19-23.

June 2020. Heidi Dierssen is selected as the Science Team Leader for the NASA Plankton Aerosol Cloud and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission.

May 2020. Heidi Dierssen is elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering CASE.

30 July, 2018. As part of the team that built the Cubesat Snow Water Imaging Spectrometer (SWIS), we were awarded a NASA Group Achievement Award.

1 June, 2018. Dr. Dierssen was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship from the Belgian Government to conduct work on hyperspectral remote sensing at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Oostende, Belgium. She will be on sabbatical for the 2018-2019 Academic year working on the project.